Geoff LaPlace Geoff LaPlace
President, Operations, Marketing, and Channel Distribution, Web Design, and Video Editor

Geoff LaPlace also operates Talk Radio networks and several publishing sites all related to improving relationships of people to thier lives, surroundings, and partners.


Leigh Ann Leigh Ann Baughman
Video Analyst and Commentator
Bringing fun and joy
to the process of getting
the word out

Rosiland Solomon Rosiland Solomon
International Product Licensing Artist, Packaging Design, Game Board Artist, Promotional Materials,
and Staff Artist.
Rosiland Solomon's creativity and artwork is connected with hundreds of products throughout the world and continues to work in our development department.

Oliver on set Oilver
Works as Best Boy on video sets and also brings to the team years of acting experience and on set support
Jobs at Do Tell Relationship GamesGame Question Writer
Do Tell is launching two new versions based upon Do Tell concepts but targeted towards a different audience and using the iPhone app medium. Join the Team.
Product Spokesperson - Jobs at Do TellProduct Spokesperson
Do Tell is looking for a person to speak in videos about new product releases and game playing hints and comments. Local to San Francisco video studio.
Game Show Producer - Jobs at Do TellDo Tell Game Show Producer
Do Tell is looking to produce game show videos using Do Tell created questions and themes. Local to San Francisco video studio.
Colette VogeleColette Vogele
Has advised Do Tell Enterprises on intellectual property questions, copyright, trademark, trade secret, patent, and privacy issues as they relate to technology, new media and the arts.
iPhone Web app writer needed | jobs at Do Tell San FranciscoiPhone Web app writer
iPhone Web app writer needed to create interactive Do Tell game | jobs at Do Tell San Francisco

Kathy JacobsonKathy Jacobson
Creator and Publisher of the Original Game, Funmeister and Author. As of 2012 Kathy Jacobson has moved on from Do Tell and is no longer connected with Do Tell. You may contact Kathy thru many of her other enterprises.
All the happy players of Do Tell around the world and also the Do Tell staff will miss her creativity, constant contributions to a better product, and her special creative and fun loving spirit here at Do Tell.